These are some of the funniest official highway signs that we’ve seen as we travel across the country looking for interesting sites and fun roadside attractions!
Australian Bicycle Crossing Sign
Looks correct in China, too!
Stop Crying!
Big signs don't cry.
Says the Amazing Kreskin... a Galaxy Far, Far Away!
Hope it's Not an Important Warning!
Probably says, "Slow Down Immediately, Dangerous Curve Ahead!
The Riddle of the Sphinx!!!
Clear, easy-to-read sign on a 75 m.p.h. freeway! (sideways compass is nice touch)
They are forgetting something...
I know nothing!
Everyone moved away, except the State Police!!!
It's an Airplane!
Is this the new "Low Flying Aircraft" Sign???
Transfer From Bus to Clown Car
The bus looks OK, but that car on the right is straight from Ringling Brothers!
Faces probably not compliant with MUTCD
No Duh!!!
Who is going to miss the gate and flashing lights 50 feet beyond this sign???
When is the last time you actually DIALED a phone number????
Might as well have an image of Maxwell Smart's "Shoe Phone!"
Look Out A Head!
Apparently, MDOT thinks that people's heads look like lima beans!
Are We There, Yet???
There is nothing boring about dodging the fracking trucks on Interstate 79!
Great parody song by SSM -- if you've ever visited the Keystone State or lived in Pennsylvania, you'll understand this video! This is a screenshot from "Pennsylvania Style" that highway enthusiasts will appreciate.
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